Hooker Microscopy
Image Processing Workstation -
Nomarski |
Location: 6129 Thurston Bowles |
Image Processing Workstations:
Schott |
Brewster |
Nomarski |
- A computer called \\NOMARSKI has replaced the ailing
- Brewster's data directories (D: drive) have been
copied to \\Nomarski's D: drive. See D:\Brewster-D-Drive (These
files will be deleted on January 1, 2010).
- Brewster's documents and settings folders have been copied to \\Nomarski's
C: drive. See C:\documents and settings-BREWSTER.
(These files
will be deleted on January 1, 2010.)
- Metamorph macros and add-ons may need updating. Please contact
Michael or Neal if you notice missing functions, so that we can update them.
- Printing can be performed over the network by connecting to the
- A 24" 1920 by 1200 pixel monitor has replaced the dual monitors.
- Where are my files from Brewster?
- Directories from the D: drive (\\Brewster\users2) have been
copied to D:\Brewster-D-Drive
- Files in Documents and Settings has been copied to
C:\Documents and Settings-BREWSTER on Nomarski
- Customized Metamorph and ImageJ macros may need to be manually restored.
Please contact Michael for assistance if you notice missing macros
The PC computer called \\NOMARSKI functions as a general purpose image
processing workstation. Various specialized and general purpose image
processing software is installed on it.
Users may logon to, or connect to network shares on this computer using
their MHmicroscopy account name and password. To login
to this computer provide your username, password and domain (MHmicroscopy).
Other users may have account access setup by
Michael or Neal.
Data Storage:
Users are requested to save their data in a named directory on the D:\
drive (\\nomarski\users2). This directory is shared on the Microsoft Windows Network as
\\Nomarski\Users2. Access to this shared directory over the network
requires an account on the MHmicroscopy domain. See
these notes on how to connect over the network from campus computers.
Off campus access is possible using
UNC or SOM VPN access.
See Michael for more
- Intel PC Pentium 4 Duo 3.0 GHz
- RAM 4 GByte (3.25 GBytes useable win WindowsXP, 2 GBytes only for
- Hard disk drive storage D: (150 GB)
- DVD/CD writer
- Roxio CD Creator Silver
- Metamorph 7.1 image processing software
- Leica Confocal TCS Software (offline) performs same image
processing/3D rendering/editing functions as any of the Leica confocal
microscopes (SP2, NT & LCS), but only on the Leica bundled image format files collected on
the Leica confocal. Note
UNC style connections are not supported with
this software. File access should be through a drive letter. (Note
that network shares can be mapped to a drive letter. e.g. net use L:
\\server\sharename on a MHmicroscopy computer )
- SimplePCI 6 - 2D/3D image processing/analysis/view/decovolution
- Volocity - 3D volume
- Leica LCS-lite
- Zeiss Image Browser ("Lite")
- Adobe Creative Suite2: including Photoshop, Illustrator, Acrobat
- ImageJ
- Microsoft Office 2003 - Word, Excel, Power Point, Access & FrontPage
- WinZip - file/directory compression - creates a zipped file
archive from one or more files
- LViewPro - quick 2D image viewer - Also does simple slide shows
- QuickTime 7 Pro - can open image series (time or z) and make
movies in various formats. The Pro version of QuickTime has
enhancements which are not enabled in the free version of Quick Time.
- Videdit - Simple program for editing .avi movies. It's a
simple and limited old windows program, but none the less is very
powerful and easy to use.
- ThumbsPlus - Image database viewer
- Note that Volocity
can be run well on the computers in the facility called Brewster, Schott &
Nomarski. Volocity performs multidimensional image processing, including volume
visualization and rendering, and 2D/3D particle tracking in time.
- The full Zeiss LSM software is on the image process workstation
- The full Leica LCS confocal software is on both the
Snell & Nomarski
image processing workstations.
Image Processing Workstations:
Schott |
Brewster |
Nomarski |
Last Updated:
2014-07-24 |