Hooker Microscopy
File Storage Policy
General Usage Policies |
Charges | After hours user access
| File Storage Policies |
Network Access
In order to keep the finite storage space on the image
acquisition, image processing workstations and file server available for saving potentially large
experimental runs users should be aware of these image storage guidelines:
Users are responsible for archiving their data |
- MHMF does make backups (most
current file version, not a history of previous changed versions) of
image data files on the \\Minsky files server and certain directories on
acquisition computers and image processing workstations. Desktop
and users directories are not backed up, and neither are C: drive files
(except C:\users)
- Secure/archive/backup your data before it is
moved off the workstations by you or us
- It is your responsibility to ensure that your files are
successfully copied before erasing them from MHMF
- On acquisition and workstation computers store images only in the subdirectories of C:\USERS
or C:\USERS2
directory of single drive machines or in D:\ or E:\ etc.
of multidrive workstations using a subdirectory name that identifies you.
- Images stored elsewhere on the facility computers (including the
desk top) are subject to immediate removal without notice
- Alternatively store or copy to:
- \\Minsky\users2
or \\Minsky\yourname or \\Minsky\lab-name
or \\Minsky\division-name
- Outside of the School of Medicine use
or \\minsky.med.unc.edu
rather than \\minsky - viz:
- \\\users2
or \\\yourname or \\\lab-name
or \\\division-name
- Any other lab. or division server with shared directories that you have legal access
to. e.g. \\CF-server or \\ or
- If storage space becomes scarce, requests will be made
to remove old data immediately.
- Files may be left on image acquisition workstations for 90 days.
Files older than 90 days are subject to removal without notice. |
- Files may be left on the server called \\Minsky for up to 24 months or
longer if
space is available.
- Files may only be stored on \\Minsky in a
subdirectory of: type:
- \\minsky\yourname
restricted access
See note 1
- \\minsky\users2
public to MHMF users See note 2
- \\minsky\lab-name
private lab. access See
note 3
- \\minsky\division-name private
division access See note 4
- \\minsky\users1
read only MHMF user access
- \\minsky\users3
(not available)
- \\minsky\users4
(not available)
- \\minsky\users5
(not available)
Files older than 24 months on Minsky are subject to
removal without notice |
- Most computers in the facility have USB and FireWire ports (Except
Laplace - Leica Confocal). Users may use key drives and other portable
drives with these ports.
- Each workstation has a DVD/CD writer available for use.
Please bring your own blank recordable DVD/CDs.
- A DVD+RW recorders are available on the image processing workstations
\\NOMARSKI, \\ZERNIKE & \\SNELL. They support read-write DVD+R DVD+RW
Note 0: Restrictions based on individual users or laboratory groups must
be setup by arrangement with Michael.
Note 1: Access only available to individual user
Note 2: Access open to any MHMF user
Note 3: Access open to particular lab. members who have an MHMF account.
Subfolders can be setup to have restricted access by request
Note 4: Access open to center/department members who have an MHMF account.
Subfolders can be setup to have restricted access to selected users/labs.
General Usage Policies |
Charges | After hours user access
| File Storage Policies |
Network Access
Last updated
2014-07-24 |